Does He Love Me? Make it easy for him.

Make it easy for a guy to love you.
Guys are attracted to girls who are fun, easy going and intelligent. You should have a life and your own interests. If you haven't done it yet - now's the time.
Other ways
1. Be Self Sufficient
Never rely on a man for everything. You should have your own money, your own friends, your own activities. He should not be responsible for 100% of your happiness. No one will ever fulfill all of your needs. Join a volleyball team, take up a guitar class, start learning a new language. Get really good at something, and your love interest will grow. Find yourself happy by yourself before finding love.
2. Be sweet
Be loving. Give him kisses, sweet pecks on the cheek mixed with passionate kisses. Find a great recipe book and begin cooking your heart out. A man loves a woman who can cook, especially if you will be raising his children some day. Tidy up his place.
But, at the same time, don't become his mom doing his chores. You want him to respect you, so don't become his maid.
3. Be strong and confident
Don't be a doormat. Stick up for yourself. Be able to disagree and logically reason with him. If you think he is being unfair, let him know. This relationship is for both of you to enjoy, and if you aren't happy, then you need to bring it to his attention.
4. Be interesting and funny: Change it up.
Bring up an interesting new story that might peak his interest or relate to his work. Go find some good jokes, practice them with your friends and then make him laugh!
Crack jokes and have fun. This will make your time together fun and your relationship healthy.
Wear your hair differently, change your lipstick color. Make yourself new and interesting.
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