
Showing posts from 2011

Signs you are meant to be together

5 few signs you were meant to be together. 1. Your sense of humor is similar. You get each other's jokes! 2. Similar Backgrounds (Educational, or Geographic). Although this isn't always the case, having a similar upbringing means you can relate to each other. You grew up in the same area, attended the same university, or you have mutual friends. 3. The relationship developed naturally. When relationships take little effort, they are often meant to be! You shouldn't have to wonder if he's the one, (because that means he isn't). You shouldn't be crying regularly over the relationship. You shouldn't have to force yourself out of guilt to stay with someone. 4. You value the same things. Is education extremely important to you? Or hanging out with friends? What about spending time with your parents? Maybe he likes to buy the finest clothes, and you are a cheap!  If you both have similar core desires, this is a very good sign you are meant to be togethe...

What does Love Look Like?

One of the best ways to better understand if your man loves you is to study healthy relationships. In healthy relationships, the couples: - Have fun together - Communicate clearly, rather than argue they explain themselves - Respect each other  - They give each other FREEDOM. (They don't try to control each other) - They put the other person first -- - They are committed to each other Do you know healthy relationships are also good for your health?

Stupid things you do that makes him not love you

I highly recommend checking out the book " 10 WAYS THAT WOMEN MESS UP THEIR LIVES" I know some highly intelligent women who have made some seriously dumb decisions when it comes to men. This left them with lots of heartache, loneliness(since they wouldn't move on), and very sad for a very long time. Here are some tips 1. Don't choose you man based on how hot he is or how much money he makes. Doing this could mean ending up with a man cheating on you, or a man so busy with his work he never has time for you or your children. Don't select a guy for the wrong reasons! Also, most often your true intentions will surface. You can't fake love - and the more time goes on and you hit really touch times, the more it's hard to stay in a relationships sans love. 2. Don't expect your man to be your whole life. This will mean  high expectations for him, and for you in the end unhappiness. This means you should find out who you are, and be solid in yourself be...

Stupid things you do that makes him not love you

I highly recommend checking out the book " 10 WAYS THAT WOMEN MESS UP THEIR LIVES" I know some highly intelligent women who have made some seriously dumb decisions when it comes to men.  This left them with lots of heartache, loneliness(since they wouldn't move on), and very single for a very long time. Here are some tips 1. Don't choose you man based on how hot he is or how much money he makes. Doing this could mean ending up with a man cheating on you, or a man so busy with his work he never has time for you or your children. Don't select a guy for the wrong reasons! Also, most often your true intentions will surface. You can't fake love - and the more time goes on and you hit really touch times, the more it's hard to stay in a relationships sans love. 2. Don't expect your man to be your whole life. This will mean  high expectations for him, and for you in the end unhappiness. This means you should find out who you are, and be solid in yourself ...

Stupid things you do that makes him not love you

I highly recommend checking out the book " 10 WAYS THAT WOMEN MESS UP THEIR LIVES" I know some highly intelligent women who have made some seriously dumb decisions when it comes to men.  This left them with lots of heartache, loneliness(since they wouldn't move on), and very single for a very long time. Here are some tips 1. Don't choose you man based on how hot he is or how much money he makes. Doing this could mean ending up with a man cheating on you, or a man so busy with his work he never has time for you or your children. Don't select a guy for the wrong reasons! Also, most often your true intentions will surface. You can't fake love - and the more time goes on and you hit really touch times, the more it's hard to stay in a relationships sans love. 2. Don't expect your man to be your whole life. This will mean  high expectations for him, and for you in the end unhappiness. This means you should find out who you are, and be solid in yourself ...

Is it love? How he makes you feel about yourself...

Does your man bundle you up with his arms, or sing your praises in front of his parents, or brag about you in front of his friends? Does he tell you how beautiful, fun, and precious you are to him? Sometimes are you surprised by how much affection he gives to you? Since you have known him -- has the way you look at yourself, calmed you and made you feel more appreciative and accepting of who you are? If you can answer yes to the above questions, your man knows how to love you well. On the other hand, after being in a relationship, do you feel less confident, less beautiful , more insecure, hollow , and still wondering if he is right for you? This is likely a sign of an unhealthy relationship and that he doesn't really love you or perhaps the two of you are not compatible. Do you find yourself crying regularly after seeing him, because his words hurt you like a knife? Does he tell you that you need to change the way you act, or talk or the way you dress because it isn'...

He's Too Busy??!!

If your guys is *always* too busy for you, he doesn't plan special dates, plan get aways, plan for your birthday, plan to make time to meet you family or friends, it's a sign he doesn't really love you. When you don't get time with your man, you are not a priority. A man who loves you WANTS to be by your side! He Fights to be near you and will do everything in his power to squeeze you into his schedule because he doesn't want you to disappear! Keep in mind TIMING is huge. If he is starting school, a new job, and he's very busy -- your relationship may be placed in the back burner, even so he should make time for you. Be up front with your man and see what happens! If you find your man too busy, be honest with him and see what happens. See if he will adjust his behavior and make improvements.

He loves you when he's on the path to improvement

When you begin to fall in love, you overlook his nasty habits. Smoking, heavy drinking, or the fact that he's a workaholic. At first, these habits may not be obvious and they are tolerable, he may even hide them for you. However, as you progress in the relationship, you will begin to see his weaknesses (and he will see yours) . There may come a point where you realize that these bad habits are destructive and you cannot put up with it anymore. You give him an ultimatum. Either stop this behavior or else. Well, of course he can't just wake up one day, snap his finger and drop his routine! But what I will say is that a man says to you that he is willing to  examine himself , trust what you are saying and seek out help or adjust his behavior, this is a sign of his love for you. A guy that is willing to make behavioral changes for you, cares about you deeply.