
Showing posts from August, 2010

5 Signs he is not in love (BIG RED FLAGS!!!)

Here is a reader question: What are some signs he is not love: Here are 5 BIG signs he is not in love: 1.He's not contacting you. You do all the calling and planning to get together. If you were to stop calling, emailing, texting, facebooking, you may never hear from him again. 2. He's not excited when he sees you -- (perhaps irritable when he sees you) When you plan to meet, he doesn't embrace you or kiss you. He doesn't look you in the eyes with love or passion or kindness. 3. He doesn't respect you. Love and respect go hand in hand. If he is putting you down, making fun of  you, or you leave him feeling bad about yourself, then he probably doesn't respect you (and therefore doesn't love you) 4. He's not planning a future with you This could mean little plans: Like: what are you doing on Friday or Saturday (Here you hardly know each other, so these plans are probably very small. Medium plans: Should we take a trip or vacation together. O...

Deciphering his Love Language

If you want his love to blossom, you have to be sure you love him in the right manner. Some men want to be loved by kisses and affection Some men want to be loved by praise and words Some men want to be loved by presents Some men want to be loved by action  Some men want to be loved just by spending time with you There is a book called  5 Love Languages that discuss the various ways individual want to be loved.  If you love each other the correct way, your relationship thrives. If he asks you questions like, "Why don't you ever ...." (kiss me enough, talk to me when we are with friends, compliment me, etc) you are narrowing down his love language. If you want to have a great relationship, take a few notes, and be extra careful to express your love in that particular way. Affection Find out exactly what type of affection he prefers. Does he like public displays?(Some men may be irritated by this, while other could thrive. ) Does he want to cuddle or spoon? Does he like ...

Your flaws

You know your saggy belly, crooked toes, deformed nose, unpainted fingernails, gap in your teeth, double chin, big buns,crazy hair, or squeaky voice you have -- he doesn't see these as flaws. He accepts you and loves you with all the good and the bad. When a man loves you, he loves the whole you and though he may see your areas for improvement he can look at your flaw as unique traits that set you apart rather than ugly features. A man that cares for you doesn't point out your flaws to make you feel bad about yourself. He may joke about them, (if you can laugh about them) but he never loves you less because of them. Ladies of the world -- find a man who loves you for what goes on inside your head and heart rather than external physical features .