
Showing posts from February, 2010

Does he love me? Is your love healthy?

Some people will take any kind of love. They are not selective enough and end up in abusive or emotionally painful relationships. Or they end up in relationships that are unbalanced. Choose to be alone rather than in an unhealthy relationship It is better for you to be alone, than in a relationship roller coaster ride. Life is more than just having a relationship. One reason why you want to seek out a healthy and positive relationship is because negative and destructive relationships will ruin other parts of your life. Worry will cause you loss of sleep, anxiety and put you in a bad mood. Stay away from these relationships . Some women think they will "fix" the man and have pity on him. Don't! Your job is not to save someone. You may get sucked into his mess, and end up messy yourself. Instead find a great guy that will care for you and respect you. When you are with a man who supports you and cares about you, then you don't have to wonder what he's doing or who h...

He Cheated. Does he love me?

No. Run away quickly. Someone who cheats has terrible character. They are selfish and unloving and immature. They should remain single until they find someone they love and cherish. They likely had an influence (perhaps from their parents) that cheating was acceptable, but it is not. Cheating causes pain and anguish, someone who loves you would never even think of putting you through misery. Someone who cheats once, does not respect you and took the chance on your relationship.

Does My Man Love Me?: Do you stand up for yourself?

In continuation of the previous blog: If you find that your man starts taking you for granted: Stand up for yourself If you feel that he is really good at taking, taking taking, but never giving, giving giving: Stand up for yourself. Everyone in the world can easily take another for granted, without even realizing it. It is important that you look at your situation and ensure that you also are getting want you need out of the relationship. How to stand up for yourself tips 1. Don't nag. If you are standing up for something minute or silly, DON'T. Pick and choose your battles, because you don't want to bicker about everything. 2. State the problem 3. Try not to get emotional about it, just simply state how you feel 4. State a solution. 5. Try to be specific. For example, "I feel that we need to talk more. I'd like to talk every other day for 5 minutes". 6. Tell him it is important to you. 7. Tell him you care about him and want this relationship to work, but th...

Does He Love Me? Do you try too hard?

Don't Try So Hard Some women, when they have boyfriends do TOO much. Everything he asks for, she gives him. Whenever he states his opinion, she agrees. He calls, she runs to pick it up immediately. She always goes to *his* house, he never comes to hers. He asks her what she would like to do for a date, and she always replies "Whatever you want". This, ladies is BORING! Even when you are in a settled relationship, you should still be a bit of a challenge. Unpredictable sometimes! Even if he likes you at first, if you have nothing interesting to add to his life and you never challenge him, overtime, he may lose interest. If you are one of these girls, I challenge you: 1. To tell your man to come to your house tonight! 2. To find a spectacular restaurant you have never experienced, and suggest it 3. To make him wait a few hours until you call him back 4. To disagree with him and logically state your opinion (without starting a fight)

Does he love you? How can you tell if a man respects you? 4 ways you can tell

How can you tell if a man respects you? Read on to find out. A man who respects you treats you well and values you. In love, respect is critical. If there is little or no respect, over time you may become rude to one another, talk down to each other and destroy your relationship. Here are some ways a man displays his respect to you: 1. He treats you like a lady and wants to please you A man who respects you, is polite to you. Although chivalry may be dead, and may women shy away from it, your man will open doors for you, ask you if you 2. He doesn't try to force himself upon you (e.g. sleep with you) A man who respects you cherishes you. He isn't crass towards you, because is careful to not hurt you or turn you away. You can almost guarentee that when a man tries to get too physical too quickly , he really doesn't care much about you. This is especially true if he barely knows you. Many women mistakenly think that if they sleep with a guy, that man will fall in love with th...

Does He love me? Does he flirt with your girlfriends?

Your girlfriends may be like you I am sure you have a few girlfriends. If you do, those girlfriends probably share some of your interests, or your personality. So, if you bring your guy around these other women, you should definitely watch how he reacts and treats them. If your man is attracted to you (because you are stunning, fun, and wonderful) then likely he could find your girlfriends likewise enjoyable to be around and he may even be physically attracted to them. Don't become jealous Keep your cool, because your friends should ultimately become friends with him as well. It is important to understand that although your boyfriend may find these girls appealing, he doesn't overly shower them with attention or seem to be flirting, out of respect for you. If you find him doing this, or if he ever were to come on to one of them, then it is important that you first confront him and second be very diligent to make sure that he is true to you. Remember that throughout your entire ...

Does He Love Me? Pet names he calls you

When your man addresses you, is it endearing? Does he call you by names that make you feel special? Sweet Nicknames : My little sweety My honey Baby doll Boo Bear Resentful names If he is calling you by not so nice names: Hag, Nag, Witch then he is expressing to you some resentment. To him they may sound like a joke, but could be some issues under the surface that you aren't aware of. If you want a guy to fall in love and stay in love, you need to be the best woman you can be. No Nicknames If your man doesn't have any nicknames for you, it could be that he is still getting to know you, doesn't express himself this way, or he may not feel comfortable with you. If you want to encourage him to use these nicknames more, begin calling him by some and he should follow suit! Here is a site with some pet names you can use: Nicknames

Does he like or love me

Does he like you or love you? Here are some key differences between like and love: 1. Compare how he treats you to other girls. Some guys are nice to everyone and although you think he is flirting with you, he could be over friendly. He likes you: - If he is nice to you, but he treats everyone the same way. Watch if he gives you special treatment over others He loves you: -If he treats you even more special than other girls. He gives you extra attention, or when you ask for something, he is always ready and willing to help out first. 2. Check his nerves: He likes you: He always seems relaxed and calm. He seems at ease around you, especially if he doesn't know you that well. He loves you: He may become embarrassed around you, stumble over his words or seem a little off. 3. Staring: Does he stare at you extra long or when you aren't looking He likes you: When saying hello, he glances quickly. He loves you: He locks his eyes with yours. He holds his stare.

Love Quiz: Is he a good mate?

Take this love quiz to see if you have picked a good mate. Here is a short quiz Question 1 Rate his personality: A) 0 - Dull or Moody - Not fun to be around B) 1 - Nice guy. Somewhat entertaining C) 2 - He is funny / brilliant / interesting/ we have a lot to talk about Question 2 Rate your attraction: A) 0 - Ugly / no attraction B) 1 - Somewhat attractive C) 2 - Hot! Sexy! Question 3 Rate the way he treats you: A) 0 - Mean / Rude B) 1 - Neither mean nor nice - just there C) 2 - Makes me feel special . treats me very well Question 4 Rate his relationship with his parents A) 0 - Hates his parents B) 1 - Cordial, but not close. C) 2 - Very close and loves them deeply. Question 5 How much fun do you have together? A) 0 - We never have fun together B) 1 - We usually have fun every once in a while, when we are stressed. C) 2 - We constantly joke around and tease each other. We are always trying to have fun. Question 6 Do you respect him? A) 0 - Not at all. He is kind of a loser and a wimp. B...

He said he cares, Does that mean he loves me?

A man can easily say: "I care about you" "I love you" "You mean the world to me" "You are the one." Many men have difficulty expressing themselves, whereas women are verbal and emotional creatures. When you hear a man tell you how wonderful you are, this feeds your inner desire to be loved and accepted. Women want to be adored and romanced, and a simple whisper in your ear, can make you fall deeply for someone. Actions are more important than words However, remember that words are not as important as loyalty and his treatment of you (see other posts). Think of words as the juice on a steak (and if you are a vegetarian, then think of tofu instead). Actions are the steak - Words are the spice Words add taste to your relationship like sauces add succulence to your meat (tofu). Words are the spices or the hot. The steak is the meat or actions of your man. But over time, you can't jut eat sauce for a meal -- you will never fill you up! You need ...

Happy Valentine's Day: Relationship Tips

1. Hug for 20 seconds Studies show that a 20 second hug raises oxytocin levels. Oxytocin is also known as the “cuddle-hormone” and facilitates a sense of love and connection, especially in women3. Most couples don’t take the time to hug at all, much less for 20 seconds, but this simple activity is a way of bookending the day and entering the new chapter of the evening. It provides a clear transition and a foundation of feel-good hormones. Men need to be hugged three times as much as women to get to similar levels, so go for a full minute of hugging. 2.For every one negative interaction, you need 5 positives. According to eminent marriage therapist John Gottman, (who has an entire laboratory in Seattle dedicated to studying interactions between couples), the difference between those relationships that succeed and those that fail is the ability to maintain a high ratio of positive to negative interactions. The ideal ratio should be 5-to-1 — five positive interactions for every negative o...

Is it Love? Ask Your Gut.

You may call it: -Instinct -Intuition -Inner voice -Gut Always listen to your heart when it comes to love. How do you listen to your inner voice? Ask yourself the following questions? Do you feel at peace with him when you are together? Do you feel relaxed when you are away from each other? Do you feel comfortable when you think about your relationship? Do you feel positive and hopeful when you think about him? Does your relationship seem natural and genuine? When you trust your own instincts, you make great decisions. Even science has uncovered that our minds have the ability to make the correct decisions subconsciously:

Does He Trust You? Love thrives with Trust.

Trust is a fundamental requirement in a relationship. Not having trust is like baking bread without flour. It is core, it holds a relationship together, even when obstacles are encountered. A guy that trusts you -Tells you things he doesn't tell others -Gives you the benefit of the doubt -Lends you things (his car, money, laptop) -Gives you freedom (doesn't demand you are always with him) -Doesn't accuse you Trust takes time When you first start dating, it is imperative you find out first if the person is trustworthy. If they are not trustworthy, then you must end a relationship.

He calls every few months, does he love me?

He calls every few months, does he love me? If a guys calls every few months, this is probably a sign that he is thinking of you, but does not mean he is in love. It sounds more like a friendship -- that he's just calling to say hi, rather than a romantic interest. If a guy wants to be with you, why would he wait that long to get in touch? A guy that cares for you *wants* to see you, *wants* to be near you and *wants* to talk to you on a regular basis. Other reasons why he could rarely call: 1. He's incredibly busy 2. When he gets lonely, he knows you will pick up 3. He is still dating other women, and calls to check in to see if there's still a possibility 4. He lives very far away, so the chances of having a relationship are slim, so what's the point? 5. He calls when he has a problem, and you are someone that will listen What does He Say When he calls you, what does he say? Does he just talk about himself? Does he ask to see you? Does he give you other signs? Ask hi...

Does My Man Love Me? How does he treat you in front of others?

One way to see how much a man cares for you is to watch how he treats you in front of other people. If he values you, he will be sure that in front of strangers, friends, family, or colleagues you are well liked and known. At a Restaurant Watch what he does when you are at a restaurant. Is he flirting with the waitress, and talking about how great he is to win her respect? At a Party Does he stand by your side when you are together at a party? Does he introduce you to people and speak highly of you? If you feel good when you are around him and other people, this is a very good sign that he does indeed care about you. If a guy could really care less about your feelings, he could care less who you meet. You may just be there to keep him company and sit next to him at the table, so that he doesn't appear alone. A guy that cares for you will show you off to his friends and family. He will be proud of you and say wonderful things about you to other people.

Does my guy love me? Does he want to protect you?

You and your man are walking down a dark street. It is 1 am at night in the city, not many people are around. You and your man are strolling side by side, when suddenly a dangerous fellow appears mumbling to himself while walking directly toward the both of you. You are on the left side (nearest to the stranger) and your man is on the right. Now, ladies, what does your man do? 1. Scream, then RUN in the other direction leaving you there 2. Pull you away from the stranger, putting himself directly in danger 3. He continues to walk to the right, behind a thick post (leaving you there) , so not to look too fearful, but still able to protect himself Believe it or not, I have been on date with a man in a situation like this (a very long time ago). The man chose option #3. That was our last date together, although he didn't even realize what he had done! He called a few times, until he finally got the hint! Here's another example: Let's say you are at the beach. It is dark and de...

Does He Love you: Does he respect your opinion?

Respect and love go hand in hand. If a man respects you, he will treat you well. One way to tell if he (or anyone) respect you, is they will tell you about certain problems they are having, and ask for your opinion. One day he may be having a conflict with his boss. Let's say he is facing ethical dilemmas at work and isn't sure what to do. If he shares this with you, consider this a high honor. Many guys will often try to deal with difficult situations on their own, because they interpret this as being weak. But a man who truly thinks you are wise will greatly appreciate spilling his situation to you, to get a females perspective. Respecting your opinion doesn't just have to be with work problems. It can also be advise on what to buy his mother, what to wear to your friend's birthday party. If a man asks your opinion-- he cares about what you think of him.

Does He love you: Does he tolerate your bad habits?

Stop for a minute and think about your annoying habits or negative characteristics. Keep thinking, we know you have a few! Do you borrows his clothes, interrupts his phone calls, complain too much about work? Perhaps you freak out regularly over family problems and you end up crying on his shoulder every month. There will be those things that your man does not like about you. Even if he loves you to great depths, there will still be a few things about you that he could do without. Despite the fact there he may dislike, he will grin and bare it for you! He may ask you to stop, but he will tolerate even your bad habits if he cares about you deeply. The man may direct you towards "better options": maybe how you should be a little cleaner, or you might be able to clean your hair out of the shower regularly, but a guy would not break up with you over something silly like this! Love is tolerance of each other -- even the bad!

Does He Love Me? Find a man who..

1. Find a man who calls you "beautiful" instead of "hot" or "fine". "Hot" and "Fine" are terms indicating completely lust. He is defining you by your looks. 2. Find a man who will listen and comfort when you cry. This man will be strong when you are weak. He is solid and firm when you feel the world is crumbling around you. You too need to be strong when he struggles through obstacles. 3. Find a man who is respectful to others You can tell a lot from a man by the way he treats other people. Especially waiters, waitresses, his own mother and father. Also pay close attention to how he treats his own siblings. 4. Find a man who will reason with you There will be tough times in your relationship. Maybe he has to work very late for several nights in a row. Perhaps you are under a lot of pressure at work and feel stressed when you see him. Whatever the case, it is always important that your man is reasonable. He is able to understand the sit...

Does He Love you? Is he full of excuses?

Is he full of excuses? Does he promise things, and never deliver? Does he blame you for many things? If you are constantly hearing excuses out of his mouth, beware, ladies! Always Making Excuses Why hasn't he called for several days? Why is he over an hour late? Why haven't you made love in several months? ..Because of work ...Because he was tired ....Because he is sick ......Because taxes are due ........Because he's about to be fired .........Because he's lazy Your man should take responsibility and put you and your relationship as a priority. This is a sign of a loving man! Blaming Let's say you have a man that goes out with his friends and loses his wallet during the night out. He called you, but your phone was off. The next day, he blames you for not being there for him and what an awful night he had. Instead of taking responsibility, he wants to blame someone else for his misfortune. Don't let him! Tell him calmly, that his is responsible for his actions a...

Does He Love Me #3

Your man does not love you if: 1. He is a flake. If a man really wants you and loves you, his mind doesn't change. It doesn't change after a few days, weeks, months or even years. True love lasts and a man that knows you are special will keep working towards your love. On the other hand a wish-washy man that sways from passionate deep love to apathy is not someone you want to be with. Let's say on Tuesday he asks you out to dinner at a fine French Restaurant. You are thrilled to have a romantic evening together! He is planning something special and is going to wine you and dine you. Then on Thursday night, he calls to say he has to work late. He asks to move your date to Saturday evening. You accept the change and think nothing of it. Unfortunately, he calls late Saturday afternoon to tell you he has to meet up with his buddies and you will have to plan for another night. This is a classic example of flakiness. He cannot keep dates and times, he finds other things to do, wh...

5 Signs he is not in love.

Hello everyone! Another post to determine if a man truly loves you. He doesn't love you if: 1. You aren't meeting his friends and family If a man is "keeping you hidden" and as his little secret, be warned, this man probably doesn't love you. If you are sure that's not the case, and you have never met his friends or family, nor are there any plans to meet the family, then this is a RED FLAG that he doesn't see you as someone he could be with the rest of his life. If he isn't mentioning you to anyone he knows-- he probably doesn't see you in his future. A man that loves you is excited for you to meet his parent, bring you to dinner with his friends and even his colleagues. 2. He isn't making any time for you Even if you are president of the world, if you love someone, you will make time for them. Think about President Obama. He's dealing with a major financial breakdown, healthcare reform, terrorism, and so forth. He still makes time for his...

Agonizing over Love?

Do you sit for hours and wonder -- Does my man love me? Agonizing over love? Many women are in constant agony over this question, confused by their man's actions or words. If you are unsure how to look for signs, then this is the place for you! What we mean by love When I refer to love, I am referring to unconditional love. This includes: respect, honor, integrity, thoughtfulness, maturity and good character. A healthy, loving relationship means happiness and growth for you as an individual. A relationship where you feel wanted and cared for is not easy to find, but is possible. Read the signs your man gives to ensure he's the one for you! Many people have never learned what to look for in a mate. We are here to tell you is ultimately to choose a partner with SOLID CHARACTER. These attributes are what make incredible leaders, solid parents, and future generations of happy and healthy people. False definitions of love: always getting your way always getting a man to buy you thi...