
5 simple ways to make him love you even more

1. Give him space Don't be one of those naggy girlfriends who needs to see and hear from him everyday. Get your own damn life!  If you've got your own stuff going on, you are going to be so much more sexy! Please you will have more to talk about and it will keep your spark alive. 2. Make his life more interesting A man can appreciate a woman he can learn from. Before you meet with him, read something interesting: a news article, or a fact about one his favorite sports. If he loves cars, learn some facts about the most expensive car in the world OR the fastest car in the world 3. Compliment Him (but don't overdo it) There is nothing more sexy than a woman who says to a man, "You make me a better person" OR "Wow, you look sexy today" or "You give good advice".This boost his self esteem and he will want to be around you more! Oh ya and make sure it is genuine. Don't come across as fake: that's a major turn off. 4. Pull out your ...

Marry someone less attractive than you!

So, I love doing research -- especially when it comes to relationships and marriage. I found an interesting article that you should all pay attention to: Celine Dion  is way hotter than her hubby. But guess what -- she's in love and he treats her like a queen!! Basically here's the conclusion: The more attractive the wife is compared to the husband, the happier the marriage. Perhaps this could be that an attractive man feels he can find something better elsewhere, whereas a man that is less attractive is appreciative and more supportive of the wife.  He thinks, "I've got to treat this woman right or she'll be out of here". Likewise, because a woman may not put as much emphasis on physical attraction, to her having a supportive, attentive husband makes her a very happy lady! Her (less attractive) husband is more positive and accepting of her, she in turn is more supportive and l...

He loves you when he's tender towards you

A man who really has a heart for you, is a gentleman. Perhaps he slowly brushes your hair out of your face and looks you directly in the eyes; maybe when you are about to slip, reaches out to pull you up and save you from your fall. He may even open doors, hold your hand to walk across the street, compliment your look, or give you a tender hug before saying good-bye at the airport.  It could be a very small gesture, but it displays what is going on in his heart! On the other hand, if he is rough with you, easily angered, frustrated by little things like you being a few minutes late, or not buying the right kind of his favorite drinks - if he can be rough and unforgiving or he makes you carry the groceries and doesn't offer to help these are little signs his love for you isn't so great. :) I hope you all find a man who loves you deeply!

Signs you are meant to be together

5 few signs you were meant to be together. 1. Your sense of humor is similar. You get each other's jokes! 2. Similar Backgrounds (Educational, or Geographic). Although this isn't always the case, having a similar upbringing means you can relate to each other. You grew up in the same area, attended the same university, or you have mutual friends. 3. The relationship developed naturally. When relationships take little effort, they are often meant to be! You shouldn't have to wonder if he's the one, (because that means he isn't). You shouldn't be crying regularly over the relationship. You shouldn't have to force yourself out of guilt to stay with someone. 4. You value the same things. Is education extremely important to you? Or hanging out with friends? What about spending time with your parents? Maybe he likes to buy the finest clothes, and you are a cheap!  If you both have similar core desires, this is a very good sign you are meant to be togethe...

What does Love Look Like?

One of the best ways to better understand if your man loves you is to study healthy relationships. In healthy relationships, the couples: - Have fun together - Communicate clearly, rather than argue they explain themselves - Respect each other  - They give each other FREEDOM. (They don't try to control each other) - They put the other person first -- - They are committed to each other Do you know healthy relationships are also good for your health?

Stupid things you do that makes him not love you

I highly recommend checking out the book " 10 WAYS THAT WOMEN MESS UP THEIR LIVES" I know some highly intelligent women who have made some seriously dumb decisions when it comes to men. This left them with lots of heartache, loneliness(since they wouldn't move on), and very sad for a very long time. Here are some tips 1. Don't choose you man based on how hot he is or how much money he makes. Doing this could mean ending up with a man cheating on you, or a man so busy with his work he never has time for you or your children. Don't select a guy for the wrong reasons! Also, most often your true intentions will surface. You can't fake love - and the more time goes on and you hit really touch times, the more it's hard to stay in a relationships sans love. 2. Don't expect your man to be your whole life. This will mean  high expectations for him, and for you in the end unhappiness. This means you should find out who you are, and be solid in yourself be...

Stupid things you do that makes him not love you

I highly recommend checking out the book " 10 WAYS THAT WOMEN MESS UP THEIR LIVES" I know some highly intelligent women who have made some seriously dumb decisions when it comes to men.  This left them with lots of heartache, loneliness(since they wouldn't move on), and very single for a very long time. Here are some tips 1. Don't choose you man based on how hot he is or how much money he makes. Doing this could mean ending up with a man cheating on you, or a man so busy with his work he never has time for you or your children. Don't select a guy for the wrong reasons! Also, most often your true intentions will surface. You can't fake love - and the more time goes on and you hit really touch times, the more it's hard to stay in a relationships sans love. 2. Don't expect your man to be your whole life. This will mean  high expectations for him, and for you in the end unhappiness. This means you should find out who you are, and be solid in yourself ...